The Initiation Path Retreat - Entheoguide Training Level 1

With Alexandra and Daniela

May 30 - June 6, 2025

Date and Time Details: Arrive: between 2-3pm, start of retreat at 4pm Depart: around 10am after breakfast

Location: The Aluna Sanctuary

Address: 13200 Pine Ave, Potter Valley, CA 95469, USA

(808) 799-9370

  • Barn House communal (men only) – $2,750.00
  • Lake House communal (women only) – $2,750.00
  • Mariposa--2 twin beds – $3,250.00
  • Private Room – $3,250.00

The Initiation Path retreat includes:

  • tuition for the retreat/training

  • your stay in a private single/shared double or communal room (with shared bathroom)

  • delicious organic, vegan meals (dieta approved)

  • a whole lot of love  


In The Initiation Path Retreat you will learn how to get in touch with your feelings, memories and information stored in the body. You will get to know yourself more by reflecting on the way you breathe, the way you feel and the way you communicate this to others. 

Through honest self inquiry you will discover which essential qualities belong to you and which ones want to be expressed in your life. 

This retreat will offer a lot of added value in professions where people work with other people. After all, the emphasis is on the relationship between body and mind, on body awareness, on learning to feel and to deal with emotions and above all…. being present with what life has to offer, no matter how that looks like. 

In this retreat you will

Learn to listen mindfully from the heart
Become aware of your breathing habits
Connect with yourself at a deeper level through bodywork, plant medicine and self inquiry
Release stored emotions through new modalities
Discover your essential qualities
Understand, reveal and transform your limiting beliefs
Explore the Inner Child concept and get in touch with your inner child
Ground more into your body through bodywork, movement, kundalini yoga and plant medicine
Rediscover your voice
Support your process through meditation
Learn how to hold space for yourself
Listen to and understand what your body is telling you
Establish emotional safety within

Modalities & tools you will work with

2 Ayahuasca ceremonies
Sharing circles
Pair/group exercises
Inner child work
Uncovering and undoing limiting beliefs
Vocal toning 


The breath work method we are using at ALUNA is a conscious diaphragmatic breathing technique. By breathing in a connected fashion, breath work has the capacity to affect not only the physical aspects of our bodies but also the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as well.

Any mental, emotional and spiritual transformational process calls for a change in the physical body as well. To support and facilitate your personal transformative process you will be guided through a daily practice of conscious movement. 

Inner Child concept
Through listening to the subjective story of your inner child you will start to feel more compassionate with yourself and you will be able to establish emotional safety within yourself. Feeling emotionally safe is the basis/groundwork for everything else you want to learn and do in life. 

Self Inquiry
Through mindful self-inquiry you will learn to examine your self-worth and sense for self, your stories, beliefs and judgements. By doing so you will create a greater presence and space within yourself.

 Vocal toning
Toning and chanting reconnects you to your own voice. Through the voice we communicate our needs, we set healthy boundaries, communicate our feelings and our love. You will learn how to become more intimate and at ease with the sound of your own voice. A strong voice grounds us, gives us projection and presence with all we do. 

Through meditation you learn how to stay present in the now. Through mediation we enhance our focus and become more mindful in our interactions. You will learn how to be comfortable with silence.

 Sharing circles
Through sharing circles you will learn how to communicate your feelings, how to be vulnerable in the presence of others and how to listen mind & heart-fully to your fellow initiates. 

New insights and inspiration
This retreat offers you new insights and inspiration about yourself.
You will become more familiar with your own emotional life and the continuous influence of your mind on how you experience yourself.
You will become aware of your survival strategies and how to let go of them.
You will develop the ability to be lovingly in touch with your own physical and emotional experiences and of those around you.
You will find a way back to your essence, your authenticity, your true strength and your self-love.
You will deepen and balance your personal and work life.

About the Facilitators


I was introduced to plant medicine in 2008, and it has been a very beautiful and magical journey working with the wisdom of the plants ever since. Very early in my spiritual journey I realized that only I hold the power to change my world. I am the co-creator of my reality. No one else […]

Learn more about Alexandra


In 2005 a personal crisis at the age of 33 set me on to search for deeper meaning, healing and liberation. I found myself at a place of internal confusion, a dysfunctional relationship and an unfulfilling job. I reached out to different practitioners and healing modalities, in need of answers and some kind of peace. […]

Learn more about Daniela

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