From Warrior to Sage Men's Retreat

With Attila and Alejandro

April 5 - 10, 2025

Date and Time Details: Opening: 9:30am Closing:2pm

Location: The Aluna Sanctuary

Address: Potter Valley, CA, USA


  • Barn House Lodging – $1,750.00
  • Lake House Lodging – $1,750.00
  • Mariposa--2 twin beds – $1,950.00
  • Kolibri--queen bed – $1,950.00

From Warrior to Sage
A Man’s journey into wholeness

Embark on your personal journey through the phases of a man’s lives moving through each archetype ~ from Warrior – Lover – King to Magician and finally to Sage. The presented archetypes and our teachings will help you understand where and why you feel stuck in the shadow aspects or where and how you can embrace their healthy aspects.

This retreat is an initiation from boy- to manhood using cathartic processes such as breath work, emotional release tools and self-inquiry, in group and one-one one settings. The 3 day groundwork of understanding how the archetypes of men show up in your lives and how they can serve you will culminate in two days of deep plant medicine journey work with Ayahuasca and San Pedro.

This 6 day initiation will give you:

  • Deeply understand both boys and men’s archetypes and feel which shadow parts of childhood wounds you are challenged to heal and transform to become your own ‘whole man’
  • Deep Dive within your subconscious to feel unhealed trauma, fears, anxiety, guilt, shame and limiting beliefs to transform and release all that does not serve you anymore and make room for the things that you really want to manifest in your life
  • Release you out of emotional stuckness and slump from your own limitations and understand your triggers and blockages
  • Reignite the fire in yourself to find your purpose, mission and role on this earth
  • Combining the masculine and the feminine in yourself to be become a man living in wholeness and innate truth
  • Practice a sense of capacity to hold yourself in kindness, be present, be focused, be grounded
  • Realign your mind, heart, hara, and sex focusing on what really matters to you so you can act upon it in your life
  • Tap into the feeling of ultimate trust in yourself, the universe, Mother Earth and Father sky
  • Connect to feelings learning how to be present and available at all times especially when conflict arises
  • Experience the peace of death, the oneness of wholeness and utter fulfillment of your entire human being
  • Create a new community of brotherhood of deep healing together by going through processes and practices while being in the same container with other men, the bond through vulnerability, holding space for other men and being held by other brothers
  • Open your heart to life, joy, love and bliss
  • Love yourself by going on your journey of building a new strong foundation of being the most powerful man you are born to be. It is your calling and most prominent priority

This is for you of you are:

  • Feeling stuck in your masculine self
  • Get constantly triggered by your ego
  • Feeling not balanced between your masculine and feminine
  • Stuck in being in the hamster wheel of not living your purpose
  • Struggling in your relationships, especially in your romantic one
  • Constantly being in your head busy with scenario planning, what if’s and worries
  • Feeling your closed heart not being in compassion with yourself and others
  • Living a life of chores, must dos and actions you really trying to avoid
  • Feeling disconnected with yourself, others and the world
  • Being in a victim mentality not able to tab into your creativity and own magic
  • Being a unemotional provider of material things without any purpose or joy
  • Feeling unbalanced mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually
  • Feeling alone and isolated in your own community
  • Sexually bored and unfulfilled
  • Have no feeling of passion, inspiration and motivation
  • Feel disconnected from your inner innate truth, wisdom and knowings.\


What you will get out of this retreat:

  • Learn how to express your emotions truthfully, hold space for yourself and focus on your priorities
  • Create a new more meaningful identity with a strong foundation of wholeness and prepare to serve yourself and others in the process
  • Learn to let go and surrender of old patterns, negative thoughts and programmings ingrained in your consciousness and mindset
  • Experience ultimate freedom and abundance of being your own king loving all your relationships and most important the relationship to yourself
  • Experience deep connection with the aware feminine though Ayahuasca (the grandmother) and the aware masculine with San Pedro (the grandfather)
  • Return to love and innocence by being your own father and mother from the inside so you can be the best father you can be on the outside
  • Ready to make a change in the world by becoming the best version of yourself, in every moment of the day.
  • Be present in the moment without dwelling in the past and worrying about the future
  • Become better lovers in your romantic relationships by navigating intimate relationships, speak with clarity and truth dance the capacity in presence
  • Be grateful of what you and know what you want from the deepest level of you being so you can attract and manifest your desires and aspirations
  • Discover and strengthen your spiritual muscle and make it your strongest guide in your life
  • Discover the power of silence unleashing all wisdom and knowing from deep within yourself
  • Reconnect to your core and feel your power, strength and drive from within through your breath giving you life force of joy, bliss and love.
  • Rebuild your tower so you can be your light and be of service to future generations to come


Retreat Schedule

Arrival: Saturday, at 9:30am
Departure: Thursday at 2pm

9:30am Arrival and welcome/settling in
10am Welcome & Introduction
1pm Lunch
3pm Archetype: “The Warrior”
6:30pm Dinner

9am Breakfast
10am Archetype “The Lover”
1pm Lunch
3pm Archetype “The King”
6:30 Dinner

9am Breakfast
10am Archetype “The Magician”
1pm Lunch
3pm Archetype “The Sage”
6:30 Dinner

9am Sacred Ceremony (Ayahuasca)
5pm Dinner

9am Sacred Ceremony (Huachuma)
5pm Dinner

9am Breakfast
10am Integration
12pm Lunch
2pm Goodbyes

The  retreat is facilitated by 3 people with a maximum of 12 participants.

1 Sacred Ayahuasca ceremony
1 Sacred Huachuma ceremony
Delicious organic vegan meals made with love



About the Facilitators


In 2008, I experienced my first spiritual encounter with the magical plant medicine in the Santo Daime tradition in Amsterdam. The ceremony gave me great insight into my fears, limitations and my inner truth.While my personal spiritual journey had begun, it would take me several more years to transition away from my unfulfilling corporate job. […]

Learn more about Attila


Alejandro has dedicated over 20 years to the world of wellness, collaborating with ultra-luxury brands around the globe. As a coach of conscious masculinity and the founder of Quantum Leap, he is dedicated to guiding men through a transformative journey of inner work, strength, and self-mastery. His path led him to train as an entheoguide, […]

Learn more about Alejandro

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