Blume Womb Women's Retreat

With Alexandra, Daniela and Rebecca

August 28 - September 1, 2025

Date and Time Details: Opening: 9:30am Thursday Closing: 10:00am Monday

Location: The Aluna Sanctuary

Address: Potter Valley, CA, USA


  • Barn House Lodging – $1,750.00
  • Lake House Lodging – $1,750.00
  • Private room--2 twins – $1,950.00
  • Private Room – $1,950.00

The Blume Womb Retreat is a place for women to come together in order to rediscover their innate cyclical wisdom by sitting in circle with other women and tuning in with their Womb. This 4 day retreat will offer a deeper insight into your womanhood by exploring the menstrual cycle, its 4 phases, the inner seasons and feminine archetypes attached to each, and how you can start to embody and live in communion with your feminine nature.

Your monthly menstrual cycle is your built-in ritual. The moment you start practicing menstrual cycle awareness and encounter this living presence within you and let yourself be initiated by the death and rebirth process within it, you reunite with the source that nourishes you and restores your
connection with the natural world, the cycles of life.

We as women have our own internal seasons that we experience every month through
our menstrual cycle. We are nature in action. It is the purest essence of the feminine.
The clues of how to live an earth honoring and a sustainable lifestyle are hiding in
plain view of our menstrual cycle. The cycle is your pulse, your organic timekeeper.

The deepest most ancient secrets of life lie within the womb of every woman. It is a woman’s primordial voice and connector into the web of life that connects all living  beings. Womb Care is your life care. When we bring the attention back to our center- our Womb, we become centered, empowered, present and grounded.

Every woman has a sacred wellspring of wisdom within her, waiting to be awakened. Every womb holds her own rhythm through her monthly menstrual cycle. This is her own essence, her own story, her own emotions, her own trauma, her own ancestral lineage. Through menstrual cycle awareness and reconnecting to our cyclical nature we can tune into our living temple and listen to what our womb has to say. It is the ultimate path to living our own aligned blueprint. 

Listening to your womb will change the way you show up for yourself and your life as a whole. And in return, bringing this back into balance for yourself means bringing the collective as a whole back into balance too.

*this retreat is for all women- whether you are still bleeding or already in menopause, or if you have experienced a hysterectomy. These practices are applicable to any woman who wants to create a deeper relationship to their womanhood and womb.

What we will be receiving:

  • Intro and teachings to Menstrual Cycle Awareness
  • The 4 phases of your menstrual cycle and how we can live through them
  • The feminine archetypes and exercises to embody/ connect to them
  • Initiation of the Womb Ceremony
  • Menarche Reclamation Ceremony
  • Closing Cacao Ceremony
  • Sisterhood and sitting in circle with other women
  • Facilitation and support in your own personal journey

Retreat Schedule

Arrival: Thursday, at 9:30am
Departure: Monday, after Breakfast at 10am



10am Welcome & Introduction
Sharing Circle
Teachings on the Follicular Phase/ Inner Spring/ Maiden
Topic: Wounded Maiden


Topic: The healthy maiden (the lover, the huntress)
Teachings on the healthy maiden, the lover and the huntress archetypes



9.30 Sharing circle
Teachings on Ovulation phase/ Inner Summer/ Mother
Topic: Wounded Mother


Topic: Healthy Mother
Teachings on the Healthy Mother and Ovulation/ Conception Energy



9.30 Sharing circle
Teachings on Luteal phase/ Inner Autumn/ Sorceress
Topic: The Wounded Sorceress


Topic: The Healthy Sorceress:
Teachings on the Healthy Sorceress, the Dark Feminine and the Wild Woman



9.30 Sharing circle
Teachings on Menstrual phase/ Inner Winter/ Crone
Topic: The Wounded Crone


Topic: The Healthy Crone
Menarche Reclamation Cacao Ceremony
Closing circle and celebration

4 days of immersive exercises while sitting in circle with other women
Rituals to heal and embody your cyclical nature
Cacao ceremony
Delicious organic plant-based meals made with love

About the Facilitators


I was introduced to plant medicine in 2008, and it has been a very beautiful and magical journey working with the wisdom of the plants ever since. Very early in my spiritual journey I realized that only I hold the power to change my world. I am the co-creator of my reality. No one else […]

Learn more about Alexandra


In 2005 a personal crisis at the age of 33 set me on to search for deeper meaning, healing and liberation. I found myself at a place of internal confusion, a dysfunctional relationship and an unfulfilling job. I reached out to different practitioners and healing modalities, in need of answers and some kind of peace. […]

Learn more about Daniela


Rebecca, founder of Blume Womb (@blumewomb), is a menstrual cycle coach and educator and a womb practitioner. She is passionate about supporting women in living through their cyclical nature through menstrual cycle awareness. Blume Womb started because of her own journey of rediscovering her feminine essence after years of neglecting it. She realized that she […]

Learn more about Rebecca

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