Aluna Retreat

With Attila, Alexandra and Daniela

December 5 - 7, 2025

Date and Time Details: Opening: 9:30am Friday Closing: 2:00pm Sunday

Location: The Aluna Sanctuary

Address: Potter Valley, CA, USA


  • Barn House Lodging (men only) – $1,450.00
  • Lake House Lodging (women only) – $1,450.00
  • Private room--2 twins – $1,650.00
  • Private Room – $1,650.00

The Aluna Retreat is our signature retreat with two nights of Ayahuasca. Through intention setting circles, Breath work, meditation, vocal toning and Rapé you will be going fully prepared and grounded into your first ceremony night with Ayahuasca. Four facilitators will make sure you will feel safe and nurtured throughout your stay. Our cook will create delicious organic and Dieta approved meals to nourish your physical body.


Retreat Schedule

Arrival: Friday, at 9:30am
Departure: Sunday, after lunch at 2pm

9:30am Arrival and welcome/settling in
10am Introduction & Breath work
Lunch (soup)
Meditation and Rapé (Optional)
Free time/rest
Sacred ceremony

Sharing round
Lunch (soup)
Free time/rest
Sacred ceremony

Final sharing round
12-2pm Lunch & goodbyes

Please know that this retreat is held in silence most of the time. We have two sharing circles a day for intentional sharing (and listening:) of your experiences and assistance for integration. The silence throughout the rest of the day will serve you to stay grounded, focused and in your body. This weekend is an introspective journey and we want you to feel and explore your subconscious.

The retreat is facilitated by 4 people with a maximum of 12 participants.

2 Sacred Ayahuasca ceremonies
1 Entheobreath session for preparation
Delicious organic vegan meals made with love



About the Facilitators


In 2008, I experienced my first spiritual encounter with the magical plant medicine in the Santo Daime tradition in Amsterdam. The ceremony gave me great insight into my fears, limitations and my inner truth.While my personal spiritual journey had begun, it would take me several more years to transition away from my unfulfilling corporate job. […]

Learn more about Attila


I was introduced to plant medicine in 2008, and it has been a very beautiful and magical journey working with the wisdom of the plants ever since. Very early in my spiritual journey I realized that only I hold the power to change my world. I am the co-creator of my reality. No one else […]

Learn more about Alexandra


In 2005 a personal crisis at the age of 33 set me on to search for deeper meaning, healing and liberation. I found myself at a place of internal confusion, a dysfunctional relationship and an unfulfilling job. I reached out to different practitioners and healing modalities, in need of answers and some kind of peace. […]

Learn more about Daniela

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